Monday, April 27, 2009

Today when I picked Vivian up from school she was all smiles. Usually she's happy when I pick her up, but today she had a huge smile on her face. She had finally done it! Vivian's teacher rewards her students' good behavior each week with "money" to spend in the class store. Vivian has had her eye on a Barbie doll that cost $6.

Each week Vivian earns about sixty cents for good behavior. So you can imagine how long it takes to save up for a $6 Barbie. She glowed as she told me how she was called to the store to make her purchase. Her teacher was so excited! "You did it!," she exclaimed. (Her teacher is a parents dream, she is such a cheerleader for her students.)

Vivian is a saver. I hope this is a trait she carries with her through her life. She opened a savings account two summers ago to save for a horse. She has $113 to date. The Barbie made her realize how delightful it is to follow through and make small sacrifices to get the bigger reward.

We could all learn from her frugality. (I'm not sure if "frugality" is a word, but you know what I mean.) If Americans saved for things they truly needed and wanted maybe our country wouldn't be burdening our children with trillions in debt.

The Bible speaks of debt. In Proverbs 22:26-27 "Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched under you." Now most of us need to have a mortgage or maybe even a car loan, but overall we have no idea what it is like to sacrifice, instant gratification has become common in our culture. Maybe we should all begin to be like Vivian and be patient so that when we can achieve our big reward we will be as grateful as she is!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Dog Hunny - Book Eater

Our dog, Hunny, loves books. She loves to eat them. I come home after work and find yet another library book chewed to bits.
Hunny is the dog on the right, a 13 year old mutt. We love her, lucky for her, but have spent a small fortune on replacing library books.
Last week, Hunny made the news at Vivian's school. She's famous. The librarian had a segment on the school news about how Vivian's dog chewed her library books. The books were about cats! The last book of mine she destroyed, yep, cats too! I see a pattern here.
The added bonus...tomorrow...she'll poo and you guessed it...she'll poo a book!